13th Naïfs Biennial of Brazil
Client Sesc
Font Family Akzidenz Grotesk, by Hermann Berthold
Papers Kraft + Munken
Award Selected for Brazil's 12th Graphic Design Biennial
The 13th edition of the Naïfs Biennial of Brazil explores the theme “Everyone is, except who is not” and have gathered selected artists from all over Brazil at Sesc Piracicaba. The curatorship of Clarissa Diniz, Claudinei da Silva and Sandra Leibovici proposes the elimination of the frontiers of art, presenting the naïf artists side by side with others already established in the artistic scene. As a metaphor for this approach, identity makes use of an extensive type family as main element. As in the case of the human figure with unconventional proportions, the condensed and enlarged variations of a font are not typos, but visual propositions that give a particular expression to the messages they transmit. Exhibition design by Bartira Ghoubar and Anna Ferrari.